Clean Mudigubba

Students preparing plastic items

Students preparing plastic items
The teachers decided to handle once again the topic „Clean Mudigubba“ in this project week for a deeper approach.

The main slogan was „Reduce, reuse, recycle“, inspired by the Karuna Society in Puttaparthy. On the first day the students collected plastic covers in the surrounding of the school as material for creating beautiful items like animals, fruits, vegetables and a big variety of decorations. Huge, big and small animals as well as a “plastic monster” and dolls were created – as well a cow eating plastics. All the fillings of the stitched items consisted of plastics only. The techniques (cutting, stitching and filling), learnt by teacher Zahrunnisha in the last summer holidays at a “Teddy bear” course, were practically used by doing this.
On the third day the upper classes went into the „Old village“; most of our students live there. They informed the people about the dangers of plastic garbage. Fifty posters of the Karuna Society discussing the problems with “Plastic Cows” were fixed at house walls and public buildings. The children showed the preparation of paper bags – as an alternative to the painful plastic covers – and of ropes drilled of plastic covers. They tried to convince the people to ban plastic covers. On the fourth day teachers and students went for a rally; several offices in Mudigubba were visited. All the officers received petitions demanding a ban of plastic covers... The petition is planned to be presented to the Collector in the District capital Anantapur as well; the Mandal Revenue Officer will hand it over to him.

Mother Earth hands over a petition to the police

Mother Earth hands over a petition to the police

Fish and crocodile prepared with plastics

Fish and crocodile prepared with plastics
On the fifth day the beautiful results of the project week were exhibited. The Guest house and as well the gardener and watchman houses were used for this purpose. The colourful and vibrant exhibits - showing creativity, originality and handicrafts’ knowledge – were worth to be admired. In the Guest house the “Plastic Cow” video of the Karuna Society was shown to the visitors. A Highlight of the day was a laughter yoga session arranged by Sheena for the students in the guest house (http://www.sheenanellu.com/); very spontaneously the students „jumped“ into the situation and participated in this joyful event.