At the end of the Academic Year 2016/17 we celebrated a Cultural Day. The program was very attractive with 18 different performances - see also Video about Cultural Day. On the photo the school leavers of the 7th class perform their Good bye dance.

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On 8th March we conducted a rain ceremony on the area. All students and adults gathered on the medicine wheel and sung some Red Indian songs to attract more rain. After six days some rain came...

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Our Upper Kinder Garden children are playing a game in front of their class room (February 2017)

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In January 2017 a big mosaic was arranged in front of the entrance area of the administration building. It was realized with the help of the 6th and 7th class students. With a lot of enthusiasm they cut tiles, managed tile pieces colour wise and participated in the mosaic works under advice of our mason Krishna. The mosaic was realised with waste tiles primarily. The colours are the same like the students' uniforms.

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Our Project Week in 2016 from November 28th till December 3rd was about "Traffic Education". The children - as usually in age mixed groups - prepared models of special road traffic situations and locations, arranged zebra crossings and traffic signs, took photographs and videos and more. The exhibition was a big success with more than 5000 visitors. 

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Preparation of a model

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Visiting project week exhibition by a school class 


On Children's Day (14th November) four holy trees were planted near to the energetic centre of the area (Brahmasthanam). The students recited Holy Mantrams during this typical Nature Concept School ceremony. 

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Our society car was painted with views of the school area. Like this we aware the people of this wonderful project...

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The completed mosaic fountain in the centre of the administration building is inspiring everybody... You can see this for example on the Creativity Progress Exhibition which will be arranged every two months. This CPE is for unlimited creativity, the monthly Nature Day is limited or dedicated to a special topic.

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Fountain built with clay by Lakshmi, a 7th class student

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7th class students after performing a dance in the entrance of the administration building

On August 15th the yearly Independence Day was celebrated. The students received prizes for performing games, the teachers held speeches, the Indian flag was hoisted. This day is always a highlight for everybody... Independence means freedom, so the students say - so it is a permanent challenge to achieve more freedom in the daily life. We might do this by training our creativity - one of your key values. Only creativity gives us the option to create new circumstances for our lives.