Topic "Mosquitos"
As a lot of children gets sick with the dangerous disease “Dengue Feaver” which is caused mainly by mosquito bites the Nature Day in November was about this topic. Amazing results were shown: beside pictures models of mosquitos, dramas etc.
Mosquito masks
Mosquito sketch
Topic "Avoid Crackers"
This charming mandala creation with colourful flowers and many candles was created by the 3rd class on Nature Day in October (Motto: “Avoid Crackers”). Headmaster Raja Sekhar wanted to motivate the students towards a new approach for celebrating the Diwali festival. It is very famous all over India; but within the last years it became very common to burn lots of crackers on this occasion. A lot of money every year will be spent only for the reason to produce big sound and to set little children and animals into panic. Headmaster Raja Sekhar reports: „The children had many alternative ideas like picnicking, playing games with the families, celebrating a pooja, watching spiritual movies or cleaning the surrounding. Some students proposed to save the money spent for crackers and to donate it to needy persons. The children want to celebrate another Diwali festival; this festival originally is about helping others and the planet. ‘The earth has enough problems already’ was the main message of this Nature Day. The Diwali Festival is a festival of light in order to celebrate the victory of knowledge against ignorance and of good against evil.” I was very touched by this report.
Topic "Compost Pits"
In September two more compost pits were dug on the school area; in June the first compost pit had been arranged on the Nature Day. The manure of this first one was used for nourishing some plants on the area. All the three compost pits were named: „Earth Worm”, “Nature” and “Mother Earth” Compost Pit. For every pit three classes are responsible: younger and older students in cooperation. The compost pit leaders explained the function and handling of the compost pits.
Topic "Tulsi and Moringa"
Topics of the Nature Day in July were (as part of a new series about Ayurveda plants) Tulsi and Moringa, also called “Drumstick”. Dramas were performed, plant receipts presented; and an exhibition of students’ paintings and other works had been arranged in a charming way. Our expert for growing up Moringa Horst Wagner taught the students some valuable pieces of knowledge and experience.
Drama about Moringa
Receipt with Tulsi
Topic "Cleaning"
On the Nature Day in June (our monthly project day) the students were busy with digging a new compost pit and cleaning the area. Three groups were arranged: students of the 6th and 7th class dag the compost pit; children of the 4th and 5th classes removed the weeds in the flowers pots; and the 3rd class students cleaned the bath rooms. The small students (LKG, UKG; 1st and 2nd class) collected papers, plastic covers, horse dung and dry leaves on the school area. Most of this material could be used for the new compost pit later.
Digging the compost pit
Taking compost from the compost pit prepared in June
Watering of the new compost pit
Topic “Aloe Vera”
On the Nature Day in March we concentrated onto the desert plant "Aloe Vera". It is well known in the ancient healing art Ayurveda. We cultivate this plant on the school area as well. The students presented beautiful art works, and the 7th class presented a very inspiring drama about social service with Aloe Vera. After the Nature Day young Aloe Vera plants were distributed to the students for cultivation in their houses. Since this Nature Day our horse is also treated with Aloe Vera gel...
Horst Wagner explains the benefits of Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera plant of clay
Topic “Fire”
On the Nature Day in February again many beautiful pictures were presented. As well we had a number of practical demonstrations about the subject. In the last time more 3 d objects are created, very interesting...