
Topic "Fruits"

The students selected this topic as their favorite topic.
They presented an amazing variety of different activities linked with fruits.

Presentation of fruit pictures

Presentation of fruit pictures




Topic "Birds"

Bird Drama

Bird Drama

Painted Birds

Painted Birds


Topic „flowers“

Flower dance of the kinder garden children

Flower dance of the kinder garden children

Participants of a flower drama

Participants of a flower drama


Topic „Horse“

Pictures and Dramas in a big circle

Pictures and Dramas in a big circle

Our horse"Raju" in the focus

Our horse


Rain ceremony and plantation of two holy trees

Plantation of a Banyon tree

Plantation of a Banyon tree

Rain ceremony in the medicine wheel

Rain ceremony in the medicine wheel


Mulching the trees on the new area

Inspection of the mulching materials

Inspection of the mulching materials

Students mulching a coconut tree

Students mulching a coconut tree


Cleaning and composting

Students collecting garbage on the way to the school

Students collecting garbage on the way to the school

Harvesting of the compost for fertilization of plants on the school area

Harvesting of the compost for fertilization of plants on the school area


Topic "Water"

Models of desert and area with sufficient rainfall

Models of desert and area with sufficient rainfall

Rain water harvesting systems

Rain water harvesting systems

Presentation of a well picture

Presentation of a well picture


Photo shooting on the new area

In front of the Brick Fabrication Hall

In front of the Brick Fabrication Hall

Photo shooting in midst of the Administration Building under Construction

Photo shooting in midst of the Administration Building under Construction


Rope Drilling and Rain Mantras

Rope Drilling and Rain Mantras

Rope Drilling and Rain Mantras

Mantras for a rain ritual (by Botida)

Mantras for a rain ritual (by Botida)