The Shanti Ananda Education Society

On November 18th 2006 the Shanti Ananda Education Society, Mudigubba, was started as a registered Voluntary Organization under Society Registration Act 2001 with the Registration No. 756 of 2006. The main activity is to maintain the Shanti Ananda Nature Concept School recognized by the Government of Andhra Pradesh (Recognition No. 8517/C6/2009). We give free education, free text books and free school uniforms to our students; with the help of donations. We do not collect fees; the parents become members of the Shanti Ananda Education Society paying a yearly amount of 200 Rupees; furthermore they practice three days free service on our school premises. The Society supports the school and spreads information about our aims in the public.
Main aims are:
+ Education basing on human values with head, heart and hands
+ Awareness about health and education
+ Encouragement of games and cultural activities
+ Free education for the poorest of the poor
+ Restoration of ecological balance with eco friendly agriculture
+ Reversion of desertification in the District
+ Gender equality
+ Support of ancient Indian techniques for the personality development
Some Society activities:

  • 2015: "Drawing and Painting" for poor children; Teacher Workshop with topic Telugu
  • 2013 'Spoken English' Course for the villagers (B. Rajasekhar)
  • 2012 'Teddy Bear' training (R. Zahrunnisha)

Society Holiday Activity 2015 "Drawing and Painting"

Teddy Bear Training October 2012


Garbage vehicle donation to the Sarpanch of Mudigubba in December 2008

T.Chandra Mohan

President</br>T.Chandra Mohan

Vice President
A. Saraswathi

Vice President</br> A. Saraswathi

B. Raja Sekhar

Treasurer</br> B. Raja Sekhar

M. Saraswathi

Secretary</br> M. Saraswathi

Joint Secretary

R. Naseema

EC member
R. Zahrunnisha

EC member</br> R. Zahrunnisha

 EC member

 M. Venkatanarayana